Category Archives: FAQs

Frequently asked questions

How does auto schedule work?

Autoschedule has three options:

  • None
  • Subtasks only
  • All tasks.

If set to Subtasks or All Tasks autoschedule will ensure that each task will start from the previous tasks due date in order. If set to Subtasks this will only happen within parent tasks, if to All it will apply to the whole plan.

It is intended for plans or sequences of tasks which are linked but must be carried in order, for example in our decoration example:

  1. apply first coat
  2. apply second coat
  3. apply finishing coat.

Autoschedule is set from the Preferences icon on the lower left of the Plan page (with the list of tasks).

How do I export to iCal?

From the Plan page select the Preferences icon on the bottom left. This will allow you to export your Plan to iCal. If you do so, a new calendar will be created with the plan name and a set of all day events for each task. Note that parent tasks are not exported

How do I set reminders for tasks?

From the Plan page select the Preferences icon on the bottom left. This will enable you to set reminders for task start due. For each you can set reminders for either 8.00am, 4.00pm or OFF.

How do I delete a Budget entry?

There are two types of cost in the budget view, an estimate of costs and actual expenditure. Estimates are entered as part of tasks and cannot be deleted – instead select them to open the the task and set the estimate to 0.

Actuals can be deleted by selecting the cost entry, selecting the Edit menu and pressing the “-” option.

How do Budgets work?

Budgets comprise two elements, an estimate of costs and actual expenditure. Estimates are entered and edited with tasks, each task has an optional cost which may be positive or negative (you may make spend or make money).


When you look at the budget view you see a list of these estimates by date. Selecting an estimate will open its parent task for editing, however you cannot delete an estimate – instead set it to zero.

Also from the budget view you can add actual costs or income. These have an optional narrative and are associated with a task. Actuals can be deleted from the budget view using the Edit menu.

Rotating the phone will change the display to a report showing costs per day and cumulative costs for each plan.

Budgets report@2x

Why do Calendar entries sometimes disappear?

Only active tasks appear on the calendar. This is because the orientation of the calendar is to tasks which still need to be carried out.

If you mark a task complete it will disappear from the calendar, however it still exists and can be seen from the plan view. If you go to the plan view and click the colored button (ie. make the task active again) it will reappear in the calendar view.

Why can’t I delete a Calendar entry?

From the calendar you can view and edit tasks, and by rotating the phone you can drag and extend tasks.\n\nBut a task only exists within the context of a plan. To create or delete tasks you need to be in a plan.

Why can’t I create a Calendar entry

The calendar is simply a view of your tasks by day. From the calendar you can view and edit tasks, and by rotating the phone you can drag and extend tasks.

But a task only exists within the context of a plan. To create or delete tasks you need to be in a plan.

How do I set dates for a task

In the Plan page (with the list of tasks) click on a task and use the calendars to set the start and end dates.

Alternatively from the Plan page rotate the phone screen to landscape. The display will change to schedule view. From here you can:

  • scroll the calendar
  • drag a task to a new date
  • drag from the start or end of the task to change the duration.

Rotating the phone to portrait will return to the Plan page. Note that if autoschedule is set on, the tasks will be moved to conform with the autoschedule dates.